Thursday, August 30, 2007

Not sure what to drink? The Mixilator provides concise advice

Ever in a quandry in terms of the right cocktail for the right mood, time of day and drink strength. After finding the Mixilator online, I will never had that problem again.

Mayo and margaritas? I don't think so.......

While I have lived in different parts of the world and I have embraced just everything, having a mayonaise rimmer on my margarita is not one thing I wish to embrace. Yet, the Cocktail Chronicles had this interesting post about how one Japanese restaurant had introduced mayo to its margaritas.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Forget the corkscrew, here's a better way to open that bottle...

While surfing through the professional bartender blogs, I found this post on how to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew. I truthfully hate those devices, so this humorous video was an excellent idea when I can't find my corkscrew.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Why drinking isn't cool when you're preggers

When I read Jeffrey Morgenthaler's latest post on the risk of drinking with pregnancy, I had to compliment him on his response. In fact, I am going to share his latest post with some of my friends in the "bidness," and also work with the folks at Twang to produce some great non-alcoholic drinks for the upcoming football season.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A resource for great nonalcoholic drinks

As a semi-retired TABC Seller Server instructor, I have always believed in responsible drinking. And, when I learned about the dangers of a woman drinking while drinking, I have always been an advocate of non-alchohol, not only for the mother but the expectant papa.

So, when in the course of my research for this blog, I found the Liquid Muse and her link to nonalchoholic drinks. Their chief blogger Natalie's work on pregatinis a real resource for bartenders and friends of women who are "preggers."

Our next mover and shaker Jeffrey Morgenthaler

When I found Jeff Morganthaler's blog, I knew that he had to be our next Twang "Mover and Shaker." First, he has an excellent blog that allows others in the industry to get new ideas for drinks. And, I especially liked his post on "Seven Things You Should Never Catch Your Bartender Doing."

If you're a hospitality manager, you should post this in your employee break area, or make them read them as part of their ongoing training. And, if you are in Eugene, Oregon, I would stop at the El Vaquero to get a cocktail from Jeff and his staff.

Monday, August 13, 2007

A cocktail a day keeps the doctor away..

With the temps hovering with an average temp of 100, a drink like the Kansas City Ice Water seems like a perfect cocktail.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Want a great Michelada? Visit Boston Pizza......

If you ask most bartenders in my part of Texas, they'll tell you that they hate to make a Michelada. However, Stephanie, the bar tender at the Boston Pizza in San Antonio is one of those people who can make several versions of this popular drink. Stephanie mixes tomato juice with her special ingredient -- the jalopena juice from a big jar of the south Texas delicacies.

The unique thing about Stephanie is that she doesn't want any publicity. She is one of those great bar tenders who does a great job without wanting the limelight shined on her. Yet, her drink is one of the best versions of the Michelada in Texas.